Another group has been helped with your kind donations to Together We Can.
As part of our mission, we direct and coordinating existing resources to complement existing programs both locally and internationally. And in Uganda we did just that.
Here, local workers are farming tomatoes
From our network, we heard that a farm in Oloo, Uganda desperately needed new drip pipes to replace the old ones in their irrigation system. This farm feeds many people in the local community, but is also used to train people for their entire district.
As such, we knew we needed to help. So, we directed the funds from donators like you to these people to help out their farm. Now, their farm is no longer running at half capacity and they can grow more eggplants, tomatoes, green peppers, and onions.
So, we at TWC want to thank our donators for their generosity. If you want to further assist community development, please feel free to donate here where we can direct those funds to people in need.
In addition, if you or someone you know has a small project or program that needs funding, we may be able to help. Please head over to contact page where your message will be received by our executive director.